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Gill Lough – Helping your child develop a healthy sexuality

Is it okay for teenagers to have sex?

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We encourage you to discuss the following points when answering this question from your 9 to 12-year-old:

Young people who start having sex before they are 16 years old often say they should have waited longer. They say their early sexual experiences have often been negative and they were under pressure at the time leaving them feeling bad about themselves.

When a person’s self-esteem is shaken they are less able to make healthy decisions.

Having sexual intercourse involves making some important safer sex decisions. Even when people use contraception there is a risk of pregnancy.

It is okay to experiment and have a sexy time together and for young people to enjoy their sexuality without taking those risks. This is an important part of learning about each other and developing a healthy relationship before taking that step.

Written by frombirthtopuberty

October 23, 2008 at 4:06 am

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