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Sex on TV

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Your child may be interested in TV programs that have explicit sexual content. They are curious to know what sex is all about and it is natural for them to be very interested in the sexual exploits of their favourite TV characters.

Not only sex but sexual messages are conveyed on many television programs, commercials and  on internet videos on social networking websites. Common sexual themes are sexual relationships, sex and gender roles, body image, and how people talk about sex.

By watching TV with your child you can use programs to talk about sexuality issues and values. Using these opportunities will strengthen your communication with them.

You can set boundaries to limit television and internet viewing to appropriate programs and sites. While you can use technology to block TV channels and “net nanny” internet sites at home, your child may see material you feel is inappropriate outside the home.

If this happens your child is more likely to talk to you about it when you have established an open communication with them. You could explain that the sex and the relationships between characters in a TV show are very different than those in everyday life.

Written by frombirthtopuberty

November 20, 2008 at 9:27 am