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Gill Lough – Helping your child develop a healthy sexuality

Posts Tagged ‘Talking about sex to child

How old were you when you first had sex?

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When your child asks personal questions such as when you first had sex think about how much you want to disclose. They don’t need to know your personal details if you don’t want to tell them but they still want answers.

Try to answer them in a general way. For example you could say that some people first have sex when they are teenagers and others not until they have left school.

It is true that the younger people are when they start to have sex, the more they later regret not having waited until they were older. You could say that you want them to wait until they are prepared and ready to take that step and have ensured that the experience will be safe and special.

Written by frombirthtopuberty

November 2, 2008 at 7:09 pm